Reader's Corner No. 75: How HTTPS Works, Removing jQuery from Frontend, and the Accessibility Cheatsheet

Keeping true to our roots in our 75th edition of Reader's Corner with some very technical picks from our developers! The first staff-share is a neat infographic on why we need HTTPS, then comes the engineering department's explanation for removing jQuery from their frontend, and finally a great tutorial on all things accessibility.

Why Do We Need HTTPS?

Amanda Hart

Source: How HTTPS Works

Takeaway: HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure), the [secure] protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to, can be complicated to understand for laypeople. That being said, it's still an important concept for all web users to at least know the basics about and why it's important (especially as Chrome discourages visiting sites without SSL certificates installed). This comic is both cute and informative and is a great way to explain HTTPS to people who prefer visual learning.

Tags: #HTTPS, #SSL, #Infographic

Removing jQuery from Frontend

Jay Roberts

Source: GitHub Engineering

Takeaway: jQuery was a critical tool for web developers when the iPhone was brand new. Now, more than 10 years later, the standard technology of the web has progressed greatly and we move on from jQuery in favor of native browser capabilities making pages faster and lighter.

Tags: #JavaScript, #jQuery, #Programming

The Accessibilty Cheatsheet

Frank Yonnetti

Source: bitsofcode

Takeaway: Web accessibility is hard to test, so any help I can get to develop for it correctly is a huge value for me.

Tags: #Accessibility



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