Being Green About Marketing

Chesley Kalnen

Not too long ago, I was called a "tree killer" - ouch.

I brought it upon myself, really.

Watching as pages poured out of the printer, and how they would soon join the other scribbled edits of drafts on my desk, David jokingly called me out on my habit.

I'm glad he did. As the employee who writes the news releases and content for our website, I was caught in the practice of Write, Print, Edit, Repeat; I was going through up to six drafts of a story before it was published online.

Not only was this a drain on paper supplies, but also of my time — and the company budget.

I'm excited to say I work at a company that takes years (rather than months or even weeks) to use up a case of printer paper. DesignHammer is essentially a paperless office, using online project management, electronic faxes and document signing, and paperless invoicing as few steps we take to eliminate our paper consumption.

As part of our sustainable, triple-bottom-line business plan, being green works in our favor. It saves us money in printing costs and time — and we like to think the trees appreciate it, too.

Although I’m dedicated to reusing and recycling what paper I do use, I realize the commitment DesignHammer has made to become 95% paperless and have decided to follow suit.

The nickname “tree killer” isn’t one I’d like to keep around.

As my New Year’s Resolution, I’ll be adjusting my writing practices in an effort to reduce the number of pages I print in the new year, with an overarching goal to become a more efficient writer.

My initial goal? As far as paper consumption goes, limiting my printing to one draft per story, reserving it for use in a final proofread (the eye tends to catch things on paper otherwise missed on screen).

I’ll be keeping track of how much I print and, more importantly, any overall changes to my writing process.

In the meantime, here are a few other resolutions from DH staffers:

Frank: Work less.

Stephen: Work smarter.

David M.: Think sustainable.

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