DesignHammer Sponsors Fourth Annual NCTech4Good Conference

nctech4good logoDurham, NC — DesignHammer is pleased to sponsor the fourth annual NCTech4Good Conference, scheduled Friday June 7, 2013, at The William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education in Chapel Hill, NC.

This conference is designed to serve nonprofit professionals, volunteers and consultants, as well as small business owners. Focusing on technologies in areas such as fundraising, social media, and communication and advocacy tools, the conference offers both pre-selected presentations and workshops, and spontaneous sessions created by participants.

“We are happy to sponsor NCTech4Good, helping the group support non-profit organizations across the State,” said DesignHammer Partner David Minton. He added “the conference provides an affordable venue for non-profit staff and volunteers to gather, and learn about the latest tools available, providing knowledge they can bring back, and put to good use.”

In addition to sponsoring the conference, DesignHammer Developers Kosta Harlan and Jay Roberts will lead a session on “Integrating Salesforce with Drupal.”

According to Kosta Harlan, “This session will give an overview of the possibilities that exist for synchronizing data between your Drupal website and Salesforce. We’ll look at a simple demonstration of user account syncing, and discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks of Drupal / Salesforce integration.”

“You’ll get the most out of this session if you are somewhat familiar with either Drupal or Salesforce,” added Jay Roberts.

Besides the main conference, there will be a pre-conference workshop on Using Multichannel Strategies to Spark Advocacy, Raise Money, and Engage your Community, on Thursday June 6th at the Friday Center, followed by a social & networking event at the Aloft Hotel. Further conference details, as well as registration, are available on the conference website.

NCTech4Good also hosts monthly meetings to share knowledge about technologies that can advance the mission of nonprofit organizations. NCTech4Good monthly meetings are coordinated through

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