DesignHammer Creates New Marketing Website for Measurement Incorporated

DesignHammer launched a dedicated marketing website for PEG Writing, an online writing evaluation and learning tool for Measurement Incorporated.

The online PEG (Project Essay Grade) Writing tool provides instructors and students with custom writing prompts, automated scoring and instant feedback, as well as access to portfolios and interactive student tutorials. PEG is currently used in 1,000 schools and 3,000 public libraries, and used by one state as the sole scoring method on the state’s summative writing assessment.

The PEG Writing team needed the ability to easily add to and update the marketing website’s content to promote the PEG Writing tool. The designers and developers at DesignHammer used Drupal, a flexible content management system, to create an adaptable website. Drupal allows an organization to directly update its website content without requiring an IT team to make desired changes.

Currently in version 7, Drupal is a free and open source content management system (CMS) and content management framework (CMF). Drupal is written in PHP, with more than 10,000 community-contributed modules to extend its functionality. The popular CMS is used across a full spectrum of applications, from small business and non-profit websites to internationally recognized organizations such as the White House and The Economist online.

“Having the ability to create and add content without worrying about development schedules gives us the flexibility to remain current and timely,” said Marilyn Adams, marketing coordinator for PEG Writing.

Along with easy content editing, the PEG Writing team needed the ability to manage new business leads. DesignHammer integrated Salesforce, a customer relationship tool, into the custom-configured website. The Salesforce integration provides the ability to manage inquiries and generate sales leads through the website.

“It’s become the center point of our marketing efforts,” Adams said, explaining that the website offers interested visitors the opportunity to connect with PEG Writing quickly.

DesignHammer has experience supporting Drupal sites with extensive Salesforce integration with over 100,000 synced Salesforce contacts. DesignHammer collaborates on key contributed Drupal Salesforce modules, including Salesforce Feeds and Salesforce Suite.

For PEG Writing, it was essential that the website addressed the needs of prospective clients as well as current users. “At this time, all of our promotions are designed to drive Web traffic,” Adams said. DesignHammer built a modern website with straightforward navigation, as well as with visually appealing design to advance the existing PEG Writing visual brand.

Since its launch, the site has already produced results. “We have a solid site that has already proven to be working for us even after such a short time,” Adams said.

Measurement Incorporated is a full-service educational company that provides achievement tests and scoring services for state governments, other testing companies and various organizations. Founded in 1980, the Durham-based business is the industry leader in professional hand scoring services for essays and open-ended exams.

Founded in 2001, DesignHammer is an award winning, full-service website design and development agency. The firm specializes in graphic design, content management systems, online application development, search engine optimization, usability and hosting, with experience in serving the needs of organizations of all sizes.

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