
Hi Jay, thanks for your work.
I'm new to iOS and i'm trying to implement your sidebar, but i'm not sure how to do it. Maybe a more elaborated example on github would be great.

Anyway, the sidebar is working, but when i click on a sidebar button to go to another section of my app, it doesn't work as i expected.

My code is:

-(void)openMainWindow:(NSString *)windowID
DHSidebarViewController *rootController = //some long line to get the controller
UIStoryboard* mainStoryboard = //getting the storyboard
rootController.rootViewController = [mainStoryboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:windowID];

that only changes the rootView but does not close the sidebar. I tried with a [rootController closeSidebar] at the end but it get a really weird effect.

Can you help me?
Thanks in advance

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