Thank you for the great blog post on moving from an install profile back to a vanilla install. Sometimes I go the other way too, creating an installation profile out of a site a built via `drush dl`. In either case, the registry will need to be rebuilt, as you showed. There is a Drush extension that will rebuild the registry for you; if you install it, you can skip the step of hand-updating your registry table via SQL, and just run `drush rr`.
Thank you for the great blog post on moving from an install profile back to a vanilla install. Sometimes I go the other way too, creating an installation profile out of a site a built via `drush dl`. In either case, the registry will need to be rebuilt, as you showed. There is a Drush extension that will rebuild the registry for you; if you install it, you can skip the step of hand-updating your registry table via SQL, and just run `drush rr`.