DesignHammer Site Nominated for CSS World Award

CSS Mania

The website, developed for the North Carolina History Project by DesignHammer Media Group LLC has been nominated for CSS World Award. The website is one of 81 sites nominated in ten categories.

Nominees were selected from the pool of over 2,000 sites submitted to CSS Mania, a global showcase of CSS-based websites, between May 2005 and May 2006. The 81 sites nominated represent developers from more than eighteen countries.

The five Judges are well-known developers by the Web Standards community: Andy Budd, Cameron Moll, Molly E. Holzschlag, Roger Johansson, and Sergio Villareal. The award winners will be announced in early July.

The CSS World Awards were initiated by CSS Mania to recognize the work done by developers that build websites using CSS (Cascading style Sheets), and heighten the awareness of companies using Web Standards.

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