DesignHammer Partner Quoted in News & Observer Article

Today’s The News & Observer quoted DesignHammer Media Group Managing Partner David Minton in the article "Dot-coming to Internet soon: .biz and .info: Some worry they’ll create confusion" by Staff Writer Carlene Hempel.

When asked his opinion on .BIZ, one of the new TLD’s (Top Level Domains such as .COM, .NET and .ORG) recently approved by ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), Minton said "I think in some ways it’s going to confuse the situation. I think people are so conditioned to look for .com that if someone is getting a new domain as .biz, even if you tell somebody that you’ve got .biz, they’re going to hear .com, and they’re going to look for a .com."

The complete article is available at

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