DesignHammer makes contribution to Groundhog Job Shadow Day

East Wake High freshman Jeremy Booker spent Groundhog Day shadowing Wake County Public Schools System Webmaster Paul Cory, one of nearly 2000 Wake County students who spent the day following and learning from members of the local work force. Part of his day included a meeting with DesignHammer Managing partner David Minton. Cory thought it would provide for a more well rounded understanding of the industry if Booker was able to meet a web developer from the private sector.

According to Cory "David’s (DesignHammer Managing Partner David Minton) participation gave Jeremy a rare chance to view both public and private sectors of the Web design industry. I doubt many job shadowers had the opportunity to explore how their potential careers would be affected by the choice private or public sector employment."

In addition to describing some of the differences between developing web sites as an organization staff member, as is Cory, and working as an outside business, Minton answered general and detailed questions on the industry. Booker was also able to listen in to discussions Cory and Minton had regarding the Wake County Schools web site, including a visual redesign, and providing accessibility to the site for disabled users.

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