DesignHammer Continues Sponsorship of Local Film Festival

DesignHammer Media Group, LLC has been named a “Festival Sponsor” for the Fifth Annual North Carolina Jewish Film Festival. the NCJFF will be held at the Carolina Theatre in Durham on February 22-24. In addition, DesignHammer has agreed to sponsor the Sixth Annual Festival in 2004.

“We were very happy to have the opportunity to support the North Carolina Jewish Film Festival again” said David Minton, DesignHammer Managing Partner. He added further “I was impressed by the lineup of films the festival brought to the Triangle, and look forward to personally attending the festival in 2003.”

According to Thomas King, Sr. Marketing Associate, Carolina Theatre, “Without a doubt, DesignHammer is one of the most responsive, creative and professional firms that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. The creative team takes abstract notions and ideas, and transforms them into brilliantly cutting-edge web designs. Kudos, again for being such a pleasure to work with and making a product we can all be proud of.”

Film festival information, including a schedule and ticket information will be available on the 2003 NCJFF site in January.

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