DrupalCamp Atlanta 2012 Reflections

David and I had the opportunity to present a session on SEO in Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 at DrupalCamp Atlanta 2012. It is always a pleasure to share our passion for Drupal with other Drupalers. We had previously presented this talk at DrupalCamp Asheville, DrupalCamp Charlotte, and TriDUG.

Our session covered the basics of SEO, recent changes to the Google algorithm (Google Penguin and Google Panda), and how to use the common Drupal SEO Modules to most effectively. To learn more, I encourage you to review our slides on Slideshare or watch the video of our presentation on Vimeo.

Or listen to us present our SEO for Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 talk at Atlanta Drupalcamp 2012 on Vimeo courtesy of Atlanta Drupal Users Group.

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